The new way to stand out

Your digital identity matters

I've switched jobs 3 times since graduating in 2021. (frequent I know)

I am averaging a job per year lol.

The first one was tough, and the next ones were easier.

But I changed one key element during the second job search: my digital identity.

I revamped my resume, LinkedIn profile and website.

All of it went against everything "I was supposed to do"

My resume had graphics and columns. (*gasps in boomer*)

My LinkedIn has posts and links to my website and newsletter.

People laughed at my approach.

But to my surprise during the interviews, I had partners and execs at the companies say things like:

"I loved you post on LinkedIn"

"Your website is pretty cool, what inspired you to start it?"

"I loved your resume, it was refreshing to see something different"

It went as far as being the sole reason I landed my most recent job.

But every college on the planet teaches you to have a cookie-cutter resume that millions of other people have.

Family, friends and colleagues either laugh at you for creating content or think you're somehow risking your career by posting.

The reality is completely the opposite.

Companies and clients are hiring based on your social media.

Potential employees want to work for you based on your social media.

The anti-social media movement forgets that you can use social media for good:

  • Unfollow everyone and thing that makes you feel negative

  • Follow people who inspire, educate and inform you

  • Interact with their content often

Those 3 things will completely alter your feed, and the negative feelings associated with social media will begin to fade. (this is not a recommendation to spend 10 hours a day online)

Then you can start building a true digital identity.

This will be the new way that people hire, make deals and generate income.

It's already happening.

Crafting Your Digital Identity

People have been rushing to start a personal brand online and grow a following.

While that's great and all, I have found that getting crystal clear on who you are, what you want, and where you are headed--this the most important starting point.

You cannot create compelling content if it doesn't resonate with yourself.

Your digital identity will evolve with your as you evolve as a person.

Notice how I didn't mention "niching".

I don't believe you should corner yourself into a narrow scope of ideas. (this is inspired by Dan Koe's Anti-Niche concept)

The niche is YOU.

Your passions, desires, skills, knowledges, interests, and experience.

The combination of those is what makes the niche.

You aren't a single faceted business, you are a multidimensional person.

I use AI to 2x the speed of this.

Write down a list of 3 things:




Plug that list into ChatGPT with a short story about how you got to where you are now.

Ask GPT to analyze your lists and story and come up with 2 things:

Brand Identity

Content Pillars

Leverage that to create a more compelling brand by:

  • Creating content around your interests

  • Learning a skillset that can make money with your interests

  • Connect with other people with similar interests

  • Continue to self-educate on skills and knowledge

  • Post consistently for several months

That simple checklist can permanently alter your value to the digital marketplace, for the better.

Happy creating.

Talk soon,



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