3 Career Mindset Shifts to 10x Your Earning Potential

(hint, it's not about hustle culture or productivity)

I hate delivering this news to people because society has conditioned us of the complete opposite.

BUT School teaches the ‘best’ way to secure our future is getting a degree, working a 9-5 for 40 years and hoping to retire by 65.

While I firmly believe there is no best way to do anything, this is a viable path for people.

Whether you climb the corporate ladder, or start the next Apple, these 3 mindset shifts will set you up for a meaningful and successful career.

Value > Money

Everyone is obsessed with money and it makes sense. Money is necessary to live, alleviate pain and enjoy the finer things in life.

But focusing purely on money is the right intention but the wrong focus.

Your individual pay is directly correlated to two things:

  • The value of the problem you solve

  • The amount of people dealing with that problem

To become highly paid, you need to solve valuable problems that cost a premium. Or solve a small problem for a significantly large amount of people.

Netflix doesn't solve a premium problem (entertainment) but they solve it for millions of people.

Lamborghini doesn't solve a problem for many people, they solve a status problem for the ultra-rich.

Focus on finding the most valuable problems you can solve, and your pay will take care of itself.

Your Must Own Your Income

No one will ever protect your income like you will.

A 9-5 is great to get started, but its critical to take steps to protect your income.

Whether its a hustle, building a business around your 9-5 skill or buying assets- the how doesn't matter.

The only important thing is that you do it.

You owe it to yourself to create a strong financial life so you can give your all to the ones you care about most.

People think they need to give-up everything to become wealthy, but in reality being wealthy is the ability to spend time with those we want, when we want.

That's the type of wealth I am chasing.

Money is Free Flowing, Time Isn't

People tend to think that money is scarce, but it's not.

Money is everywhere.
It gets printed everyday.
People spend it everyday.

This is a limiting belief that holds people back from building something worth monetary value.

We are all so scared of asking for money, we avoid it at all costs.

If you are one of these people, I pose you 2 questions:

  1. Why not make something so valuable, people want to give you money?

  2. Who is already being paid for what you want to do, but is significantly worse than you?

The classic saying "there are people dumber than you making millions".

Focus on building something inherently valuable, that solves a core problem and start telling people about it.

The money is already flowing, you just need to tap into the stream.


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